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Austin Patch

Roland VG-540 Black Head Leaking

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Client had issues with the black head dripping. Head #3 in this case. Typically due to a damper failing if they are of the old variety. Issues with the film shrinking over time.

Replaced damper #3 to resolve black leaking issue.

Initial Test Print
Initial Test Print
In process of changing damper
In process of changing damper

Old damper with issues - over extended left arm
Old damper with issues - over extended left arm

On old damper you could see that the left side film had separated (can't really see this in the photo).

Also the arm is extended much further out then it should be, thus not being able to trip the filled sensor and being over filled and leaking.

After new damper installed and ready to fill up
After new damper installed and ready to fill up

Final Test Print
Final Test Print

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