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Austin Patch

Roland VS-640 Head Replace due to Head Delamination

Client tried to revive head multiple times but i would not fully come back.

Looking at the test print it was obvious the head is delaminated and needs to be replaced.

However, they did not mention that they put in a 10 year old ink cartridge which caused major cyan overspray.

After head replace and priming the head everything looked good until the end of the prime where the LC channel started looking deformed. They then mentioned about the LC cart and I verified how old it was. Stated they need to get all new ink so it doesn't mess up the new head.

Initial Test Print
Initial Test Print

Installing New Head and Dampers
Installing New Head and Dampers

Old Head and Dampers
Old Head and Dampers

New Head Installed with Dampers
New Head Installed with Dampers

Test Prints Priming New Head
Test Prints Priming New Head

Old LC Cartridge
Old LC Cartridge

If you zoom in you can see the lot #. The older Roland carts do no have an expiration date listed but you can get the manufacture date from this.

Lot# is 2308AA4009.

Manuf. date is the 1st 4: 2308 in this case.

2 represents the year (2012), 3 is month (March), 08 is the day (March 9th).

Manuf date is March 9th, 2012.

Fill Pattern of New Head showing LC Overspray
Fill Pattern of New Head showing LC Overspray

Shown here is the extreme overspray caused by 10 year old LC cart. They just put it in and by me trying to prime the head, which looked fine at the beginning, the old ink made its way to the head and caused this mess.

Its interesting that a test print of a picture did not show this extreme problem but my thought is it did not use much LC in the pic we printed.

New ink and a prime of the lines should hopefully clear this up, if not a manual flush of the line and head might be needed.

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